Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
A collection of ergonomic split keyboards ⌨
Ergonomic split mechanical keyboard
Sculpted and curved keycaps for Kailh Choc and MX switches
@tzarc's custom keyboard designs.
翻译 - Djinn分割键盘
The Piantor Keyboard is a beginner-friendly, easy-to-solder, 42-key or 36-key, diodeless, low profile aggressive column staggered, hotswappable and non-hotswappable, programmable ergonomic mechanical ...
The Fulcrum Keyboard is an ergo-mechanical split keyboard with extra thumb functionality. It has 20 keys, two rotary encoders, and two 5-way switches.
Taking Keyboards to the Final Frontier
a wireless-only split keyboard based on the chocofi
Ergonomic monoblock keyboard
MX compatible low profile ergonomic keycaps
A parametric generator for designing split, concave, ergonomic keyboards written in ocaml.
Klein keyboard is a 36 keys, columnar staggered, split ergo keyboard
Generate Dactyl keyboard designs from your browser.
A 36 key gaming keypad, for both right and left handed mouse users.
Эргономичная раздельная клавиатура-мышь «Лапа»
The Allium58 is created based on the Lily58 Pro, designed to enhance wireless capabilities and provide compatibility with GLP (Gateron Low Profile) hotswap sockets.
A wireless low-profile split mechanical keyboard with 66 keys inspired by the ErgoDash and Corne Chocolate
Colemak-DH Dactyl Manuform 5x6 QMK keymap w/ home row mods for French and English