A mobile low-cost spectrometer for measuring radioactivity and the energy of ionising radiation like alpha particles and electrons
翻译 - 一种移动式低成本光谱仪,用于测量放射性和阿尔法粒子和电子等电离辐射的能量
#计算机科学#Deep learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
翻译 - 用于真实空间中电子的深度学习量子蒙特卡洛
A d3 powered customizable and animated atomic bohr model
The Django of particle simulators.
These codes, based on EMVA Standard 1288, are intended to facilitate the characterization of cameras and image sensors.
Free Space Signal Communication
Electron stopping power and Sternheimer "exact" density-effect corrections
GEANT4 Simulation for ICESPICE: Internal Conversion Electron SPectrometer In Coincidence Experiments.
Fork (import) of UEG-dielectric to allow for JITed compilation
Python implementation of secondary electron spectrum from Bethe-Heitler pair production via the Kelner & Aharonian (2008) parametrisation