#自然语言处理#✨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
翻译 - ✨与神经网络中的SPACY的快速循环分辨率
Easy to use extractive text summarization with BERT
翻译 - BERT易于使用的提取文本摘要
#自然语言处理#A multi-lingual approach to AllenNLP CoReference Resolution along with a wrapper for spaCy.
Repository for the Georgetown University Multilayer Corpus (GUM)
#自然语言处理#build/run the most current Stanford CoreNLP server in a docker container
#自然语言处理#✨ Web interface for NeuralCoref coreference resolution
Annotation tool for coreference
#自然语言处理#A tool for classifying errors in coreference resolution
#自然语言处理#розмічений руками морфо’, синт’, кореф’ корпус української мови
Extract links from Wikipedia pages to create a cross-document coreference dataset (multilingual support)
A processor for KyotoCorpus, KWDLC, and AnnotatedFKCCorpus
Coreference search system over Wikipedia
Cross-document event coreference resolution model and code
#自然语言处理#✨ Models for the NeuralCoref coreference resolution module
#自然语言处理#adding support for coreferee for french
#计算机科学# Named Entity Resolution, Extraction, and Linking of Lexically Similar Names
Methods for extracting Within-Document(WD) and Semantic-Role-Labeling(SRL) information from already tokenized corpus
A module for evaluation of coreference chains (in an array/jsonlike format), using common metrics for coreference resolution