Course 18.S191 at MIT, Fall 2022 - Introduction to computational thinking with Julia
翻译 - 2020年秋季在麻省理工学院开设的课程18.S191-与朱莉娅(Julia)的计算思想简介:
The GitHub repository containing all the material related to the Computational Thinking and Programming course of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge degree at the University of Bologna (a.a....
#算法刷题#Códigos-fontes desenvolvidos durante a disciplina "CIC0004 - Algoritmos e Programação de Computadores" do Departamento de Ciência da Computação da Universidade de Brasília.
#算法刷题#Códigos-fontes desenvolvidos durante a disciplina "CIC0004 - Algoritmos e Programação de Computadores" do Departamento de Ciência da Computação da Universidade de Brasília.
A revolutionary Mental Operating System that unlocks your innate genius and peak mental performance through powerful cognitive patterns and principles, transforming how you live, think, learn, solve c...
Some problems and solutions I implemented when attending this MOOC.
#计算机科学#GTA (Guess The Algorithm) Benchmark - A tool for testing AI reasoning capabilities
A simple platform for learning Computational Thinking
Curso de Métodos Numéricos empleando las herramientas Jupyter Notebook y programado en Python V3.11
#计算机科学#GTA (Guess The Algorithm) Benchmark - A tool for testing AI reasoning capabilities
An introduction to computational thinking and performing biomedical research with R for high school students
Syllabus and course materials for CS 1000 at Vanderbilt University
Repositorio para alojar el Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Rafael Herrero Álvarez sobre el pensamiento computacional en estudios preuniversitarios utilizando los menús dietéticos como base
Lectures, examples and other things from the UAL Computational Thinking with p5.js intensive Summer 2020 course.
#算法刷题#Curso introductorio en Pensamiento algorítmico, empleando las herramientas Jupyter Notebook y programado en Python V3.11
Exercícios de lógica de programação - matéria INF027
A collection of widgets to prepare interactive scientific visualisations, including user code input and validation
🦜 A web application that measures computational thinking skills.
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