An integrated modeling solution for BPMN, DMN and Forms based on
翻译 - 基于bpmn.io的BPMN和DMN的集成建模解决方案。
Links to Camunda Platform 8 resources, releases, and local development config
DEPRECATED. Easily use the Zeebe Java Client in your Spring or Spring Boot projects
Token simulation as a plugin for the Camunda Modeler
Flowable, Activiti, Camunda BPMN engines process editor plugin for IntelliJ. Pure Kotlin (and some Java)
Camunda REST API client for golang
#Awesome#a curated list of awesome Camunda BPM projects, libraries, tools, documentations, forum posts, etc.
#计算机科学#Machine learning around business processes
Ultimate solution to connect your ASP.NET Core application to Camunda external tasks
Community Extension to add Apache Camel support for Camunda Platform 7
Alternative UI to Camunda BPM Webapps (Tasklist, Cockpit, and Admin) + More!