C7 CE enters EOL in October 2025. Please check out C8 https://github.com/camunda/camunda – Flexible framework for workflow and decision automation with BPMN and DMN. Integration with Quarkus, Spring, ...
翻译 - BPMN和DMN的灵活的工作流程和决策自动化框架。与Spring,Spring Boot,CDI集成。
Camunda 7 - Docker images for the Camunda BPM platform
Camunda REST API client for golang
FEEL parser and interpreter written in Scala
Mail connectors for Camunda Platform 7
Event Driven process applications
Convert JSON to BPMN for camunda.
Proof of Concept project that shows how we can use Camunda BPMN Platform in .NET Core applications.
Python REST api client for the workflow and decision automation engine Camunda.
Camunda Workflow - Ruby interface to the Camunda REST api
Postman collection for Camunda BPM Rest API
Library for testing Camunda 7 instances and workflows
Demo of an application with Camunda Platform 8 and Clean Architecture
Camunda for Beginners || YouTube Course
Running camunda 7 engine with ktor app server
Camunda Standalone Webapp - Ready for Heroku, Tomcat, Postgres
Collection of exemples and showcases with Camunda BPM
Camunda with Scala and Play Framework
Camunda BPM Unit testing coverage generation using BPMNJS, Groovy, and Camunda Test Assertion Libraries. Also inlcudes a Java Bridge for use from pure Java Classes.