#新手入门#View roadmaps about developer roles to help you learn
翻译 - 查看有关开发人员角色的路线图,以帮助您学习
This repository is Watch_App Screen UI - Flutter
A simple Flutter app that fetches the user's real-time location, including latitude, longitude, city, and country, using the Geolocator package. Works on Android & iOS! 🚀
📝 Hive Notes App is a simple Flutter application that allows users to create, edit, and delete notes with ease. 💾 Store your notes locally using the powerful Hive database.
#安卓#Basic balloons game for your Android devices where you have to tap as much baloons as possible within a certain time limit.
#安卓#Android App Intro Slider Template
#计算机科学#ganesh kavhar python projects..
#安卓#A Simple Reddit-Like Community-based App with multiple features !
Ultimate notes for software Engineer Interview Preparation
#前端开发#This repository includes all practice projects in "Udemy - Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2023 Edition]" course
#安卓#Simple movie listing Android app allowing users to discover movies. This is a continuation of PopularMoviesStage1 project and it is also a Project 2 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.
Developing Bebras Aplication for exercise using React Native
#安卓#Baking App allows users to select a recipe from Udacity’s resident baker-in-chief, Miriam, and see video-guided steps for how to complete it. This is a Project 3 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodeg...
#安卓#Simple movie listing Android app allowing users to discover movies. This is a Project 1 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.
#安卓#Redesigned an existing app to follow the Material Design guidelines and translated a set of static design mocks to a living and breathing app.
#安卓#Android App For Ecommerce