Interactive Protein Sequence VIsualization/Viewer - Interactive Circos
#计算机科学#Recurrent neural network implementations for protein secondary structure prediction and language models
A Python package that has functions for featue calculation of protein sequences. Features that are calculated by this package are niched for Epitope prediction.
An unofficial re-implementation of PiFold, a fast inverse-folding algorithm for protein sequence design, in PyTorch.
This Google colab notebook, allows for conservation analysis of user input genes, on their local machine. It relies on the MMSeq2 introduced by
#计算机科学#Sequence generation/sequence to sequence learning using amino acid sequences of Corona virus (SARS-COV2) by training on generative adversial network (GAN)
IsoAligner: dynamic mapping of amino acid positions across protein isoforms
In Agglomerative we start with all points as individual clusters and then keep on combining clusters until required number of clusters are not formed using linkages like single, complete, average, war...
Association Rules for regex patterns in amino acid sequences
We're encoding the amino acid sequence into binary strings and building a quantum circuit for each one. Then, we're creating a list of Pauli operators for each circuit, one for each qubit, and multipl...
NAUniSeq: A fast computational pipeline to search unique sequences for microbial diagnostics
Homework 2 for MCS 5603 Intro to Bioinformatics. Written in Python.
Narrowly, Find sequences including nucleotide(or amino acid) spacers (Broadly, you can find the speific sequences of front and back while ignoring the middle sequences), and Write the result of findin...
Python Scripts for Haim Lab (Microbiology Research) Projects
An application for illustrating the relative distances between protein structures.