#PHP 代码质量检查工具#PHP Mutation Testing library
翻译 - 基于AST的PHP变异测试框架
State of the art mutation testing system for the JVM
Humbug is a Mutation Testing framework for PHP to measure the real effectiveness of your test suites and assist in their improvement. It eats Code Coverage for breakfast.
翻译 - Humbug是一个用于PHP的突变测试框架,用于衡量您的测试套件的实际有效性并帮助他们进行改进。早餐吃代码覆盖率。
Practical mutation testing and fault injection for C and C++
#Awesome#Mutation testing resources: how to make better code by introducing bugs
SigProfilerExtractor allows de novo extraction of mutational signatures from data generated in a matrix format. The tool identifies the number of operative mutational signatures, their activities in e...
Descartes supports developers to improve their test suites by reporting weak spots in covered code
SigProfilerMatrixGenerator creates mutational matrices for all types of somatic mutations. It allows downsizing the generated mutations only to parts for the genome (e.g., exome or a custom BED file)....
SigProfilerPlotting provides a standard tool for displaying all types of mutational signatures as well as all types of mutational patterns in cancer genomes. The tool seamlessly integrates with other ...
Maven plugin to handle multi module projects for PiTest
LLVM Mutation Artisan (MART) is a configurable mutation testing framework based on LLVM
Introduction to Mutation Testing
R wrapper for utilizing the SigProfilerMatrixGenerator framework
Tool for mutation testing of C programs
SigProfilerTopography allows evaluating the effect of chromatin organization, histone modifications, transcription factor binding, DNA replication, and DNA transcription on the activities of different...
An R wrapper for SigProfilerExtractor that allows de novo extraction of mutational signatures from data generated in a matrix format. The tool identifies the number of operative mutational signatures,...
Tool for analyzing the inter-mutational distances between SNV-SNV and INDEL-INDEL mutations. Tool separates mutations into clustered and non-clustered groups on a sample-dependent basis.
An R wrapper for running the SigProfilerPlotting framework
Interactive Protein Sequence VIsualization/Viewer - Interactive Circos