Apache Ambari simplifies provisioning, managing, and monitoring of Apache Hadoop clusters.
Apache Ambari Metrics is a sub project of Apache Ambari.
Install Ambari 2.7.5 with HDP 3.1.4 without using Hortonworks repositories.
Apache Ambari Logsearch is a sub project of Apache Ambari.
Dockerfiles and Docker Compose for HDP 2.6 with Blueprints
Example projects for 'BigInsights for Apache Hadoop' on IBM Bluemix
Learning how to tame the Big Data with Hadoop and related technologies
Ambari stack service for easily installing and managing Solr on HDP cluster
Apache Ambari Infra is a sub project of Apache Ambari.
Perl Utility Library for my other repos
Elasticsearch Management Pack for Ambari 2.6 & 2.7
A continuation of Ambari Hue Service for HDP 3.x and Hue 4.6.0
Apache DolphinScheduler's Ambari plugin, deploy DolphinScheduler easier within Apache Ambari