#大语言模型#Prompt flow 是一套开发工具,旨在简化基于 LLM 的人工智能应用程序的端到端开发周期,从构思、原型设计、测试、评估到生产部署和监控。 它使即时工程变得更加容易,并使您能够构建具有生产质量的 LLM 应用程序。
#计算机科学#MONAI Deploy aims to become the de-facto standard for developing, packaging, testing, deploying and running medical AI applications in clinical production.
#编辑器#The open source, AI-powered app builder
An AI app template
#大语言模型#An application that generates prompts and evaluates LLM responses based on your labeled data.
#自然语言处理#This repository will be used for the code in the deeplearning.ai course for LangChain