Do it like => validates :photos, attached: true, content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'], size: { less_than: 500.kilobytes }, limit: { min: 1, max: 3 }, aspect_ratio: :landscape, dimens...
翻译 - 像=>一样执行:validate:photos,附加:true,content_type:['image / png','image / jpg','image / jpeg'],大小:{小于:500.kilobytes},限制:{min: 1,最大:3},Aspect_ratio::landscape,尺寸:{width:{in:800..1600}
A demo drag and drop image upldate Ruby on Rails app using Stimulus.js, DropZone.js, and ActiveStorage
Sanitize ActiveStorage SVG uploads
The idea of this gem is to hide as much as possible Active Storage logs from console so you can see only important information and requests
📷 Simple Active Storage script with Direct Upload and Image Preview
An example Ruby on Rails app using Active Storage for file storage (locally or in S3)
Python distributed data store that enables remotely access and method execution.
This is the Backend Api for the EduPlanner web application project. A rails based backend solution to storing class and student data from the EduPlanner web application.
Instagram clone built with Ruby on Rails 7.
This is the comment tree app using rails, in which the concept of self referential associations is used.
Sistema de Gerenciamento de Estabelecimentos que Comercializam Alimentos desenvolvido em Ruby on Rails
How to use Active Storage to upload images, files in Rails application
React-Ruby on rails Template, optimized for railway hosting.
Sampl is a Ruby On Rails 7 web application for musicians/producers — It serves as an alternative to Splice
How to use Action Text in Rails 6 application
Server and main client code
Ruby on Rails Generate QR Code then Save it on Active Storage & Read QR Code with Stimulus Controller
A GraphQL API built in Ruby/Rails using ActiveStorage for image uploading to Google Cloud Storage.
Ruby on Rails API with React JS