#计算机科学#This repo contains the Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learning Course.
My Solution to Assignments of CS234
#计算机科学#Build environment and train a robot arm from scratch (Reinforcement Learning)
Reinforcement Learning assignments for IE598 (Fall'17)
Exercise Solutions for Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction [2nd Edition]
Random walk OpenAI Gym environment.
Cat-and-Mouse game with Reinforcement Learning (Q-Learning).
#计算机科学#My solutions to the programming exercises in Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd Edition)
A simple example of how to implement vector based DQN using PyTorch and a ML-Agents environment
Apache Flink Training Excercises
Deep Reinforcement Learning
TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning
翻译 - TensorFlow强化学习
Collection of Reinforcement Learning / Meta Reinforcement Learning Environments.
Reinforcement learning resources curated
#计算机科学#Learn Deep Reinforcement Learning in 60 days! Lectures & Code in Python. Reinforcement Learning + Deep Learning
#计算机科学#Solutions to labs and excercises from An Introduction to Statistical Learning, as Jupyter Notebooks.
Offline Reinforcement Learning (aka Batch Reinforcement Learning) on Atari 2600 games
TensorFlow2 Reinforcement Learning
#计算机科学#Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
翻译 - Keras的深度强化学习。
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
翻译 - 强化学习算法的实现。 Python,OpenAI Gym,Tensorflow Sutton的书和David Silver的课程附带的练习和解决方案。
Reinforcement learning tutorials
#计算机科学#A JavaScript deep learning and reinforcement learning library.
翻译 - 一个JavaScript深度学习和强化学习库。
#算法刷题#Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning
Collection of reinforcement learning algorithms
翻译 - 强化学习算法集
Playing Pokemon Red with Reinforcement Learning
Isaac Gym Reinforcement Learning Environments