RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
翻译 - RePlugin-灵活,稳定,易于使用的Android插件框架
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
翻译 - RE2是快速,安全,线程友好的替代方案,可以回溯正则表达式引擎,例如PCRE,Perl和Python中使用的那些正则表达式引擎。这是一个C ++库。
A ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces, leveraging React
翻译 - 一个利用React构建用户界面的ClojureScript框架
The successor to reDuh, pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn.
翻译 - reDuce的后继者,拥有堡垒网络服务器,并通过DMZ创建SOCKS代理。枢轴和pwn。
A platform for Reasoning systems (Reinforcement Learning, Contextual Bandits, etc.)
翻译 - 推理系统的平台(强化学习,语境匪徒等)
Collection of material design libs and res.
SOTA Re-identification Methods and Toolbox
翻译 - SOTA ReID方法和工具箱
re_data - fix data issues before your users & CEO would discover them 😊
Injectable LUA scripting system, SDK generator, live property editor and other dumping utilities for UE4/5 games
Re-play Security Events
Re-Connectable secure remote shell
Awesome Person Re-identification
Solid - Re-decentralizing the web (project directory)
翻译 - 稳定-重新分散网络(项目目录)的权限
An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2
翻译 - 《暗黑破坏神2》的开源重新实现
re-implement react fiber
翻译 - 重新实现反应纤维
Miscellaneous Malware RE
Pytorch Code for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification (Visible Thermal/Infrared Re-ID)
Person Re-ranking (CVPR 2017)
Awesome Person Re-Identification
A re-implementation of Freelancer
#计算机科学#Torchreid: Deep learning person re-identification in PyTorch.
翻译 - Torchreid:PyTorch中的深度学习人员重新标识。
Re-upload of iikira/BaiduPCS-Go
翻译 - 重新上传iikira / BaiduPCS-Go
Re-implementation of The Sims Online.