(Latest semester at https://github.com/kmader/Quantitative-Big-Imaging-2019) The material for the Quantitative Big Imaging course at ETHZ for the Spring Semester 2018
The material for the Quantitative Big Imaging course at ETHZ for the Spring Semester 2019
Open and Affordable Quantitative Imaging Platform
The material for the Quantitative Big Imaging Course at ETHZ
The CIRN Introduction to Quantitative Coastal Imaging Toolbox is a collection of MATLAB scripts to produce geo-rectified images specifically tailored for quantitative analysis of coastal environments....
Quantitative evaluation for image fusion.
The slides and exercises for the spring semester course at ETH Zurich
A set of tools for processing Quantitative MR Images
A set of tools used for quantitative analysis of and machine learning from 3D medical images. Created by the Quantitative Tumor Imaging Lab at Martinos.
Python Imaging Library (Fork)
翻译 - 友好的PIL前叉(Python Imaging Library)
Quantitative Finance tools
Quantitative Economics
Quantitative Finance book
Python toolkit for quantitative finance
Quantitative research and educational materials
翻译 - 定量研究和教学资料
Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework
Quantitative analysis, strategies and backtests
Resources for Quantitative Finance
#计算机科学#MONAI 是一个基于 PyTorch 的开源框架,用于医疗影像深度学习,是 PyTorch 生态系统的一部分。 其目标是:
Imaging is a simple image processing package for Go
翻译 - 成像是Go的简单图像处理包
High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance.
翻译 - 高性能TensorFlow库,用于量化金融。
Awesome GAN for Medical Imaging
Digital currency quantitative trading
Quantitative Trading with R
An Interview Primer for Quantitative Finance