Notebooks using the Hugging Face libraries 🤗
Jupyter notebooks for the Natural Language Processing with Transformers book
翻译 - 使用 Transformers 进行自然语言处理的 Jupyter 笔记本
#计算机科学#Python 数据科学学习笔记:深度学习 (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, 大数据 (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python 核心, AWS, Linux命令
#计算机科学#Examples and tutorials on using SOTA computer vision models and techniques. Learn everything from old-school ResNet, through YOLO and object-detection transformers like DETR, to the latest models like...
《Python 数据科学手册》,全文以Jupyter Notebooks形式呈现
Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
翻译 - Jupyter笔记本,用于“ Python深度学习”一书的代码示例
Notebooks for learning deep learning
翻译 - 深度学习笔记本
#计算机科学#Azure 机器学习Python SDK notebooks 示例
#大语言模型#有关Prompt Engineering (提示工程-人工智能)指南、论文、讲座等资源
Various ipython notebooks
The course notebooks
Notebooks for MXNet
JupyterHub是一个支持多用户的Notebook服务器,用于创建、管理和代理多个Jupyter Notebook实例
RAPIDS Sample Notebooks
RAPIDS Community Notebooks
In-browser literate notebooks
#学习与技能提升#Learn Python for free using open-source notebooks in Hebrew.
翻译 - 使用希伯来语中的开源笔记本免费学习Python。
📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
翻译 - 📚参数化,执行和分析笔记本
Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks
翻译 - 使用Jupyter Notebook创建令人愉悦的python项目
Exercise notebooks for CVND.
Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps
翻译 - Mercury:轻松将 Python notebook 转换为 Web 应用程序并与他人共享