#计算机科学#Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
翻译 - PyTorch的几何深度学习扩展库
Must-read papers on graph neural networks (GNN)
翻译 - 关于图神经网络(GNN)的必读论文
#计算机科学#Paper Lists for Graph Neural Networks
#计算机科学#AI Roadmap:机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、对抗神经网络(GAN),图神经网络(GNN),NLP,大数据相关的发展路书(roadmap), 并附海量源码(python,pytorch)带大家消化基本知识点,突破面试,完成从新手到合格工程师的跨越,其中深度学习相关论文附有tensorflow caffe官方源码,应用部分含推荐算法和知识...
Implementation and experiments of graph neural netwokrs, like gcn,graphsage,gat,etc.
Sample Code for Gated Graph Neural Networks
#计算机科学#Repository for benchmarking graph neural networks
翻译 - 基准图神经网络的存储库
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of "Graph Wavelet Neural Network" (ICLR 2019)
Papers on Graph neural network(GNN)
Traffic Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
Metapath Aggregated Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Graph Embedding
#计算机科学#A PyTorch Graph Neural Network Library
A Graph Neural Network Library in Jax
hypergraph representation learning, graph neural network
Spatial-Temporal Graph ODE Neural Network
Graph Convolutional neural network named entity recognition
Tensorflow implementation of Capsule Graph Neural Network
GCC: Graph Contrastive Coding for Graph Neural Network Pre-Training @ KDD 2020
Attentional graph neural network for parking slot detection
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of "Capsule Graph Neural Network" (ICLR 2019).
翻译 - “胶囊图神经网络”的PyTorch实现(ICLR 2019)。
Graph neural network for predicting NMR chemical shifts
Topological botnet detection datasets and graph neural network applications
Learning to Drop: Robust Graph Neural Network via Topological Denoising & Robust Graph Representation Learning via Neural Sparsification