#计算机科学#A generalized gradient-based CNN visualization technique
With MusicWave represent your Sound in a gradient colored Visualization
interactive visualization of 5 popular gradient descent methods with step-by-step illustration and hyperparameter tuning UI
#计算机科学#RNN and general weights, gradients, & activations visualization in Keras & TensorFlow
#计算机科学#Visualizing Gradient Descent with Momentum in Python
Visualizing the convergence of all three variants of gradient descent.
#计算机科学#⭐️ Linear Regression with Gradient Descent in JavaScript (Unvectorized, Visualized)
Pytorch implementation of convolutional neural network visualization techniques
翻译 - 卷积神经网络可视化技术的Pytorch实现
#计算机科学#Visualization toolkit for learned features of neural networks in PyTorch. Feature Visualizer, Saliency Map, Guided Gradients, Grad-CAM, DeepDream, ...
Visualizing Deep Networks by Optimizing with Integrated Gradients (I-GOS)
CSS gradient placeholders
翻译 - CSS渐变占位符
Gradient explorer
翻译 - 渐变浏览器
Gradient Text in Real
Gradient boosted models
#计算机科学#A PyTorch implementation of Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent
#计算机科学#Natural Gradient Boosting for Probabilistic Prediction
React Native css gradients - react-native-linear-gradient with css gradient support