The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.
翻译 - 适应性界面系统,可提供现代的网络体验。
fastText 是一个用于文本分类和词向量表示的库
#安卓#fastlane 是一个 IOS 和 Android 自动化工具,能完成自动构建、发布、生成截图等任务
#安卓#fastjson是阿里巴巴的开源JSON解析库,它可以解析JSON格式的字符串,支持将Java Bean序列化为JSON字符串,也可以从JSON字符串反序列化到JavaBean。
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: We'd like to use github "issues" just for tr...
翻译 - Arduino上彩色LED动画的FastLED库。请直接向FastLED Reddit社区提出帮助的问题/请求:我们想使用github“问题”来跟踪库的错误/增强。
面向配置的crud框架,开发crud 快如闪电,超级表格;Options-oriented crud framework, develop crud as fast as lightning;based on vue3;super table
The code for ECCV22 paper "Fast-Vid2Vid: Spatial-Temporal Compression for Video-to-Video Synthesis"
#计算机科学#A framework for high-performance medical image processing, neural network inference and visualization
💨 Writing Fast Ruby 😍 -- Collect Common Ruby idioms.
翻译 - :dash:编写快速的Ruby:heart_eyes:-收集常见的Ruby习惯用法。
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone
Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScript
Fast, secure, efficient backup program
翻译 - 快速,安全,高效的备份程序
Fast R-CNN
翻译 - 快速R-CNN
An Open-source Strong Baseline for SE(3) Planning in Autonomous Drone Racing
Fast Segment Anything