Guides, tools and libraries for modern web development.
Angular build facade extensions (Jest and custom webpack configuration)
One step faster for Vite in VS Code ⚡️
Easily use BrowserSync in your Webpack project.
#前端开发#A cross-platform tool for unbundled front-end development that doesn't depend on Node or requires you to install a complex toolchain
#前端开发#A cross-platform tool for unbundled front-end development that doesn't depend on Node or requires you to install a complex toolchain
A simple, dependency free static file server for Deno with possibly the worst name ever.
A super fast dev server for rapid web development
Transforming HTML standards of the future into JavaScript standards of the past
This plugin allows you to start a local server with hot reloading with Esbuild
A simple, powerful application orchestrator in Go, featuring granular build hooks, static asset optimization, live browser refresh for fullstack apps, and excellent dev-prod parity.
#前端开发#Madam 💋 A lightweight local web server for Design Prototyping 🎨 and Front-end Development 🌈 WIP
🗂️ go-live is an ultra-light server utility that serves files, HTML or anything else, over HTTP.