A flexible and scalable container based Selenium Grid with video recording, live preview, basic auth & dashboard.
翻译 - 基于Selenium Grid的灵活,可扩展的容器,具有视频录制,实时预览,基本身份验证和仪表板。
Guides, tools and libraries for modern web development.
#安卓#A tool for running android and iOS appium tests in parallel across devices... U like it STAR it !
Powerful Framework for UI Automation Testing on Java
Javascript BDD UI Automation Framework. Exclusive LWC Shadow DOM Support. Playwright, Webdriver.io, Appium, Saucelabs.
Metadatamanagement (MDM) - Data Search for Higher Education Research and Science Studies
⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Migrated to Salesforce Open Source Platform - https://github.com/salesforce/codeceptjs-bdd
ActiveRecord style client for the Sauce Labs RESTful API
A GitHub action to launch Sauce Connect Proxy.
A Selenium framework built with an interpretation of the page object model utilizing C# and NUnit..
Selenium Framework project using Java, Maven, TestNG, BDD, DDT , POM, Selenium Grid, Sauce Labs, Zalenium, Docker, Allure Test Report, Jenkins Pipeline and Slack Integration into Jenkins File.
A technique to automate XSS detection in CI/CD pipeline
GitHub Action for running saucectl test suites.
Sauce Labs test runner image for saucectl to run Playwright tests using Sauce Labs Testrunner Toolkit.
React Native E2E Testing with Appium on Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs test runner image for saucectl to run Puppeteer tests using Sauce Labs Testrunner Toolkit.