Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!
翻译 - 具有零配置的入门工具包,用于在TypeScript中构建库,其中包括RollupJS,Jest,Prettier,TSLint,语义发布等!
API em NodeJs usando Typescript, TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles
lcov posting to
Boiler plate template for C++ projects, with CMake, Doctest, Travis CI, Appveyor, Github Actions and coverage reports.
Show coverage stats online via
A simple example of how to setup a complete CI environment for C and C++
Export tool for Figma. You can easily and automatically export your Figma components and use them directly into your website.
👨🔧 gradle plugin for coveralls
Take Julia code coverage and memory allocation results, do useful things with them
sbt-plugin to upload sbt-scoverage reports to coveralls
How to add badge (eg: Travis-CI & GoReportCard & Coveralls & Codecov ) in Github README.
An emacs extension for displaying coverage data on your code
This repository was created to assist in the authentication implementation process in React JS applications with JWT and refresh token.
Conditional coverage based on any rules you define!
Integrating TypeScript with KOA2 to hit the ground running faster
example for golang project using github actions
Coveralls GitHub Action with Go integration powered by mattn/goveralls
An online food ordering application built using the Test Driven Development approach with the MERN stack