Remove all the resources from an AWS account
Go application GitHub repository template.
🌀 A template for creating new Golang + Docker + Canonical Domain + Badges + Dependabot + Renovate + GolangCI-lint + Goreleaser + GitHub Actions + Gitpod + Depaware + Git Hooks + ...
⚡️ A lightweight service that will build and store your go projects binaries, Integrated with Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket and Bitbucket Server.
🎨OpenIoTHub Server[内网穿透和物联网设备管理服务器]
self update your applications in go
Golang cross-platform builder docker image with CGo and other tooling
A showcase of using Zig to cross-compile Go application with GoReleaser
example for golang project using github actions
Example goreleaser + github actions config with keyless signing, SBOM generation, and attestations
Ghost: A lightweight, cross-platform tool for network inspection and host scanning, written in Go. Quickly perform ARP scans and inspect network details on both Unix and Windows systems.
Remove all resources from an Azure Tenant and it's Subscriptions.
Implement showstart client based on Go and cobra(基于 Go 和 cobra 实现的秀动命令行应用)
Docker container to do cross compilation for mailchain