Fast linters runner for Go
翻译 - Linters赛跑选手。彩色输出效果不错。只能报告新问题。假阳性更少。 Yaml / toml配置。
Official GitHub Action for golangci-lint from its authors
Go application GitHub repository template.
🌀 A template for creating new Golang + Docker + Canonical Domain + Badges + Dependabot + Renovate + GolangCI-lint + Goreleaser + GitHub Actions + Gitpod + Depaware + Git Hooks + ...
Enterprise ready REST API microservice in golang
GolangCI-Lint integration for IDEA
Machine is a workflow/pipeline library for processing data
A simple terminal UI for Go linters
Realworld implementation written with Go using Go kit!
🛡 Linter for Go that checks static call arguments against the function guards (aka contracts).
These are .golangci.yml to go based on your need
Go analyzer checking that the length of a variable's name matches its usage scope
containedctx is a linter that detects struct contained context.Context field
Linter for correct usage of protobuf generated messages
Golang linter checking the canonicality of the http header