Yocto/OE BSP layer for the Raspberry Pi boards
Collection of Yocto Project layers to enable AMD Xilinx products
Tibbo Linux Yocto layers for sp7021, am335x -based boards
my progress and contribution yocto project in tessolve
Yocto project layer for custom socfpga hardware bits
yocto meta-layer to build a kiosk screen. mirror from git.drkhsh.at
Mirror of https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/meta-st-stm32mp.git
Yocto BSP Layer for WiiPiiDo (based on https://github.com/alistair23/meta-pine64)
HQ Handheld Series - Yocto public meta layer.
Mirror of https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-arm
Non-RT Device Driver for BBB and Porting Of Xenomai Patched Linux
Yocto BSP layer for Variscite board (dart-6ul) based on mainline kernel and u-boot
Mirror of https://github.com/Freescale/meta-freescale.git