Yocto/OE BSP layer for the Raspberry Pi boards
Embedded Linux distribution optimized for product development (based on OE/Yocto)
Collection of Yocto Project layers to enable AMD Xilinx products
One-Stop Repository for all that wish to skim through or deep-dive into Yocto Project
OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project layer for for Microchip SoC (aka AT91)
Yocto Project layer enables AMD Xilinx tools related metadata for MicroBlaze, Zynq, ZynqMP and Versal devices.
Script to create a Bitbake recipe for Python pip (PyPI) Packages to be embedded within the Yocto Project
wolfSSL layer for OpenEmbedded and Yocto, containing product recipes, examples, and bbappend files.
A small booklet about the reasoning of using the Yocto Project, how it can improve the product development workflow in a company and other benefits.
#安全#mender with LUKS encrypted partitions
Yocto Project meta layer for the TICK (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor) Stack
Parse hardware design information to generate project specific machine configuration
Layer orientado a la creación de una distribución GNU/Linux customizada para el dispositivo Dynasystem. Basado en The Yocto Project.
Helloworld stuffs with Yocto
OpenEmbedded/YoctoProject layer for Java support
Yocto Project meta layer for EdgeX Foundry Services
🐳 A Docker image able to run Yocto Project's bitbake command