#时序数据库# 🌊 Numerically solving and backpropagating through the wave equation
翻译 - through通过波动方程进行数值求解和反向传播
Real-Time audio/video vowel recognition system with GUI. Using: SuperCollider, FaceOSC, Python, Wekinator, Max/MSP.
#计算机科学#Speaker independent recognition of the eleven steady state vowels of British English using a specified training set of lpc derived log area ratios.
Vowel formant frequency synthesis and analysis on the browser -- https://hlorenzi.github.io/vowel-analysis/
React Native App for training Dutch vowel sounds (and possibly more)
#计算机科学#Coding assignments done during B.Tech (2015-2019) at IIEST, Shibpur, and during Ph.D. at IIT Guwahati (2019-present)
Assn 3 - Speech Processing (CS 566 - IITG)
Speech processing: Vowel classifier based on formants and MFCC.
Python BGU Course - Introduction to Computer Science
Vowel Recognition System in the Subject Speech Processing CS 566 IITG
A program to calculate the cost of converting a string either to consonants or to vowels. And the cost calculation is something like 1 Coin for one conversion.