A full featured self-hosted video web-conferencing platform.
A plugin that allows the flutter app to communicate with a Janus server using different transport mechanisms, such as WebSocket and HTTP(rest). It features a developer-friendly api to interact with va...
H323Plus - H.323 development framework
Yet another Telegram/Zoom/Skype/Jitsi/RocketChat/Discord/OpenMeetings/BigBlueButton/Teams/Mattermost/etc... killer
GNU Gatekeeper - H.323 server for VoIP and videoconferencing
#Awesome#A curated list of wonderful resource links for Jitsi
#计算机科学#A video quality MOS prediction model for videoconferencing calls that takes temporal distortions into account
Video Chat WebApp using NodeJS | Redis | VueJS | WebRTC | Socket.io
PTLib 2.10.9 fork for GNU Gatekeeper and H323Plus
[IEEE TMM 2023] This is the official repo of the paper "Perceptual Quality Improvement in Videoconferencing using Keyframes-based GAN".
Realtime Video Conferencing, Screen Sharing and Chat with WebRTC, Socket.io and NodeJS
Webrtc project by Anshuman Mishra and Miroslav Pejiv
Video conferencing solution enabling real-time collaboration, screen sharing, and seamless connectivity, with integrated meeting tracking, recording, and detailed analytics.
Cure Connect - Hack The League 2022 - MLH
Planning and Room-Reservation tool for Jitsi-Meet and ViOffice Conference. Live Version at https://planado.vioffice.de
#安全#OpenSource Content Encryption & Decryption System - aimed to be a better successor to PowerVu and Common-Scrambling-Algorithm - based systems
Galaxy-kc is a web application for Jitsi admins and users to organize their Jitsi meetings, meeting schedules and attendees.