Execute JavaScript from Go
翻译 - 从Go执行JavaScript
V8 Javascript Engine for PHP — This PHP extension embeds the Google V8 Javascript Engine
翻译 - 适用于PHP的V8 Javascript引擎-此PHP扩展程序嵌入了Google V8 Javascript引擎
#安卓#Javet is Java + V8 (JAVa + V + EighT). It is an awesome way of embedding Node.js and V8 in Java.
《Chrome V8源码》系列技术文章,3~4天一篇,持续更新中
JavaScript benchmark for common web developer workloads
Bun? Deno? Node.js? Creating your own JavaScript Runtime using V8, Libuv and more
A fairly non-abstracted wrapper for Google's V8 JavaScript engine.
3D rendering engine using JavaScript as user script.
A simple node module to access V8 inspector + some tools to export and read the data.
#安卓#Javenode is Java + V8 + Node.js. It is a Node.js simulator with Java in V8.
Research Compiler using Graph IR for Code Optimizations and Code Generations
翻译 - 使用Graph IR进行代码优化和代码生成的Research Compiler
#安卓#타입스크립트, V8 엔진의 자바스크립트, 파이썬 그리고 Git을 지원하는 최첨단 메신저 봇!
A WebProxy built with Cloudflare Workers