Tool for using Steam-Input controller rebinding at a system level alongside a global overlay
🔗 Add your Windows Store or UWP games to Steam
翻译 - Windows将Windows应用商店或UWP游戏添加到Steam
Install/Uninstall Microsoft Store
Automated backup for Astroneer saves
Source code for Simpsons Hit & Run ported to Xbox UWP and with a cleaner structure & more features.
A Unity game built for the Universal Windows Platform (Xbox One, Windows 10, Windows Mobile)
A application to enforce desktop resolutions on specific applications.
A Unity game built for the Universal Windows Platform (Xbox One, Windows 10, Windows Mobile)
A minuature Unity game I built back at uni
LostBrick for Universal Windows Platform
UWP project of hangman game
Тествое задание на должность C# программиста в GameForest
Survival shooter is an isometric game project from Unity Learn.