A Pluggable Terraform Linter
翻译 - TFLint是一款Terraform Linter,专注于可能的错误,最佳实践等(Terraform> = 0.12)
Compilation of rules to validate infrastructure-as-code templates against recommended practices for serverless applications.
翻译 - 编译规则以根据无服务器应用程序的推荐做法验证作为代码模板的基础设施。
TFLint ruleset for terraform-provider-aws
TFLint ruleset for terraform-provider-azurerm
TFLint ruleset for terraform-provider-google
Experimental: TFLint ruleset plugin for writing custom rules in Rego.
🎤 local and remote code-quality options for HashiCorp Terraform
Experimental: TFLint plugin SDK for building custom rules
GitHub Action that will run TFlint on Terraform files.
Repository with code and demos for my talk "Clean Infrastructure as Code"
DEPRECATED: A Docker image with TFLint and ruleset plugins
Fast track the creation of Terraform repositories by using this simple terraform template
Tflint rules for CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark compliance checks. These rules work in addition to the recommendations from Gruntwork's CIS Service Catalog.
`tflint` ruleset with very pedantic view on spacing and sorting
Powershell Module to install Terraform tools and some usefull aliases to use on a daily basis