CloudFormation Linter
翻译 - CloudFormation Linter
Compilation of rules to validate infrastructure-as-code templates against recommended practices for serverless applications.
翻译 - 编译规则以根据无服务器应用程序的推荐做法验证作为代码模板的基础设施。
CloudFormation Linter IDE integration, autocompletion, and documentation
Serverless IDE: Enhanced support for AWS SAM and CloudFormation in VS Code
An AWS CloudFormation starterkit including CI/CD and dev tools that allow you to securely and quickly deploy CloudFormation stacks on your AWS account.
#编辑器#Coc (coc.nvim) extension to lint CloudFormation via cfn-python-lint
Bash script to setup development environment for AWS under WSL2 for Windows 10 using Ubuntu 20-04. aws-cli, aws-cdk, SSH for git, AWS utilities cfn-diagram and cfn-lint, jq JSON parser and associated ...
CloudFormation Linter Online
Public docker image for cfn-lint
MultiArch Alpine Linux + S6 + Python3 + AWS-Cli
This project proposes a cost-effective solution for testing AWS CloudFormation templates in through open-source tools. By integrating cfn-lint, cfn-nag, cfn-guard, cloud-radar, and localstack into a ...
Better cfn-lint output for humans
Scan your GitHub repositories with CloudFormation or AWS SAM code with cfn-lint
Push SARIF output to JIRA Cloud and track project progress in JIRA
Run the latest cfn-lint in a docker container
CloudFormation stack for quickly deploying a Github Actions runner in Elastic Container Service in AWS