#安卓#😠⚔️😈 A minimalistic 2D turn-based tactical game in Rust
A tactical role-playing game demo for the Godot Engine
The continuation of the venerable JA2-Stracciatella project.
#安卓#⬡ Zone of Control is a hexagonal turn-based strategy game written in Rust. [DISCONTINUED]
#Awesome#Purpleteam scripts simulation & Detection - trigger events for SOC detections
This is early prototype code for the core game loop of Unto Deepest Depths, provided as a learning example on how I structure turn-based games in Godot 4.
A slow-paced introduction to reflection in Agda. ---Tactics!
KeYmaera X: An aXiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems (release)
Weasel Turn Battle System
Historical battle simulation package for Python
Supporting files for the Chinese State-Sponsored Cyber Operations: Observed TTPs Cybersecurity Advisory. #nsacyber
Prototipo inicial de un juego tactico. Este proyecto solo alberga unos pocos assets con licencia free y el core de un sistema de combate tactico por turnos.