700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons, 6000+ glyphs, patterns, colors and layouts.
翻译 - SVG Sprite,样式组件,NPM和API中提供700+个纯CSS,SVG和Figma UI图标
IconPark提供了超过2000+图标,并且提供了一个界面来帮你定制图标,可生成React 、Vue、svg图标
CoreUI Free Icons - Premium designed free icon set with marks in SVG, Webfont and raster formats
翻译 - CoreUI Free Icons-高级设计的免费图标集,带有SVG,Webfont和栅格格式的标记
A collection of well-optimized SVG tech logos for developers and designers—customizable, scalable, and free.
#博客#🎉 基于vue全家桶 + element-ui 构建的一个后台管理集成解决方案
Search SVG Icons. Easily include popular icons in your React projects and provide an easy tool to convert SVG into React components. @icongo
React UI library that have 50+ components and 1300 + svg icons. Also support dark mode and icons lazy load
CLI version of svg-spreact
IconMeister.github.io 7000+ SVG icons in one single file Web Component <svg-icon> (core component < 1 kB) No dependencies, no external SVG files
A Vue3 Typescript Admin Template
fonts to react/react-native svg icon components
A CLI tool for you to generate SVG sprites ASAP with support for multi-theme and multi-breakpoint configurations