One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS
翻译 - 一个标签一个图标,无字体或svg,纯CSS
CoreUI Free Icons - Premium designed free icon set with marks in SVG, Webfont and raster formats
翻译 - CoreUI Free Icons-高级设计的免费图标集,带有SVG,Webfont和栅格格式的标记
🙂 Iconify IntelliSense for VS Code
SVG icon font for popular brands
Isometric assets promoting Cloud Native & Continuous Delivery
🔣 Icons compiled into Windows DLL resource files.
We help website creators with a passion for design build professional websites and earn more using our cloud library of fast-styling web templates.
PDF icons for popular brands
Modern duotone icons. Open-source project.
WPIcons Plugin (Formally WP SVG Icons) - Quickly and easily install font icons and custom SVG icons on any WordPress site.
A free funky formalicious icon set for React (& plain ol' SVG & PNG)
Spreadsheet icons - a minimalistic icon set for data views (data grids, spreadsheets and tables)
A universal SVG icon pack for ViUR projects.
List of sources for free icons, spanning SVG, raster, and webfont formats
A lightweight JavaScript asUIkit Materiall Design Icons 1000+ Library for UIkit 3 Framework.