Vue Data Grid with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Official Vue wrapper for Handsontable.
React Data Grid with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Official React wrapper for Handsontable.
翻译 - 使用电子表格外观和感觉来反应数据网格。官方的React Handsontable包装器。
A htmlwidgets implementation of Handsontable.js
Django implementation of Handsontable spreadsheets for CRUD actions.
Platform for materials scientists to contribute and disseminate their materials data through Materials Project
Plugin to provide a custom editor for tables in DokuWiki
Diff Tool to Compare Two Excel Spreadsheet Files (React with TypeScript template)
A pyexcel plugin to render data as handsontable in html pages
Handstontable plugin to handle key-value pair data type.
Spreadsheet icons - a minimalistic icon set for data views (data grids, spreadsheets and tables)
View a list of JSON-serializable dictionaries or a 2-D array, in HandsOnTable, in Jupyter Notebook.
Has been replaced so this version is unmaintained: Single Purpose Website for making ternary plots using d3.js
Convert from Excel-like table to markdown table.
Offline Excel-like app with no formula conversion, but with image/markdown/HTML support.
a vue demo of Excel by Handsontable and vue and axios.
Handsontable를 columnInfo 정보를 기준으로 row add/remove, header/row merge, cell formula기능을 구현