CoreUI Free Icons - Premium designed free icon set with marks in SVG, Webfont and raster formats
翻译 - CoreUI Free Icons-高级设计的免费图标集,带有SVG,Webfont和栅格格式的标记
Latest icon fonts and CSS for self-hosting material design icons.
44 Collect free icon sets for iconjar. 收集免费的图标包,iconjar 格式(44套)。
Powerful sketch plugin for design cooperation 🍳🍳🍳
A better way to operate icon font in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
🌈 🍀支持Java和Xml设置Shape、IconFont、IconFont+String、Span等具有丰富Api的TextView
Flutter / use dart build iconfont to Flutter Icon or IconData
使用React基于Antd开发的一些组件,包括Skeleton、 IconFont、Cron、Tree、TooltipText、ExportBtn、 FormLayout等
Simple, minimal line, and clean icon pack in vector formats — free for public use.
基于taro3.6的项目模版,技术栈:taro3.x + nut-ui + typescript + mobx + sass + tailwindCSS,封装常用基础功能,更多特性持续迭代中...
It's a full suite of popular web icons for easy scalable vector graphics on websites.