Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects.
A sleek plug n play react landing page template.
Pretty CSS analytics on the CLI
3,000+ gorgeous SVG logos, perfect for your README or credits page
翻译 - 3,000多种精美的SVG徽标,非常适合您的自述文件或积分页面
Mozilla Open Design aims to bring open source principles to Creative Design. Find us on Matrix:
An Apache Guacamole extension to use as a template for customizing or branding the login page.
Pick fonts for your website withiout breaking your head. Test fonts on live websites and search through zillions of SVG logos/icons directly linked to their source repos.
CSS complexity linter
🎨 Brandings, guidelines, kits and assets of ReVanced
SVG icon font for popular brands
A collection of simplified brand logos in SVG format.
Official Channel Web SDK Loader
A template to empower developers and reduce time wasted on control changes
🌀 Quickly preview and select the branding icon used by github action.