PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
翻译 - API框架。 (在Laravel上内置PHP)
A starter application based on Ruby 2.4, Rails 4.2 and Bootstrap for Sass 3, deployable on Heroku
An opinionated starter application based on Ruby 2.6, Rails 5.2, Webpack 4, Yarn, and Bootstrap 4, deployable on Heroku
翻译 - 基于Ruby 2.6,Rails 5.2,Webpack 4,Yarn和Bootstrap 4的实用入门应用程序,可部署在Heroku上
☄️ Starter project using Meteor + React and AdminLTE ui.
Marketplace web app starter-kit written in Next.js, React Native, and Tamagui.
An opinionated starter application based on Ruby 3.0, Rails 6.1, Webpack 5, Yarn, and Bootstrap 5, deployable on Heroku
🚀 Starter Next.js App With Firebase Auth | Next.js 13 + React 18 + Firebase v9 + Jotail
Modern Angular 7+ Starter Kit. (Angular 7+, Angular CLI, Karma, Protractor, Stylelint, Prettier, TypeScript, Global Error Handling, Gitlab CI) by Petr Nikolas Prokop (
A quick Ember + Lux boilerplate with authentication.
#安卓#React-native app built with expo, a sample project with splash screen, login form and custom drawer navigation.
NextJs with Bulma CSS Framework
A copier template for generating a Django app. Python 3.9-3.12 and Django 4.x-5.x compatible, pre-commit, test matrix + coverage, Github actions for CI, publish to Pypi & create release, github issues...
Setup Environment using Express, React, Webpack & Babel 7 🌈
Restful API framework wrapped around Sqlalchemy.
An API starter built on Hapi, TypeScript, and MongoDB
🏁 Preconfigured Angular Universal starter project. (ssr, i18n, cache state, cookies, .env, eslint, prettier)
NextJs with Bulma CSS Framework, Redux, Redux Thunk, Selectors, Immutable setup
A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping.
Starter Node.js server with Express.js, Pug, scss, Mocha, Standard, eslint, and Contentful for CMS