The missing Symfony Admin Generator
翻译 - AdminBundle-缺少的Symfony管理员生成器
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
翻译 - Laravel免费电子商务软件
Angular2,4,6 project with AdminLTE dashboard template (using angular, angular-cli and ngx-admin-lte ) Formerly called 'ng2-admin-lte'.
翻译 - 带有AdminLTE仪表板模板的Angular2,4,6项目(使用angular,angular-cli和ngx-admin-lte)以前称为'ng2-admin-lte'。
This project adapts ADMINLTE 3 so the components can be used from dotnet core Blazor / Server / Web Assembly
Vue 3.4.27 start-up project with AdminLTE 3.2.0 template
Laravel 4.2 Bootstrap Admin Starter Template [with Oracle DB Support]
Admin LTE for Angular 2/4/6/8 as a NPM package
☄️ Starter project using Meteor + React and AdminLTE ui.
Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel and laravel mix friendly.
Plugins integration project for Blazorized AdminLte, contains external blazorized components such as BlazorTable for AdminLte
SpringBoot AdminLTE Thymeleaf template with Spring Security - [In Progress].
A Laravel Starter project that helps you with the initial setup.
Admin Lte Next Js (TS)
A Laravel 5 Admin Panel (version : 5.6)
`daimakuai` 是一个可以快速帮你构建商城、cms、小程序的后台管理的工具,它提供的页面组件和表单元素等功能,能帮助你使用很少的代码就实现功能完善的后台管理功能。
YaWK - Yet another Web Kit [work in progress]
Library Management System with Librarian Admin and Student User Panel using Core php, MySQLi, Bootstrap 4
Admin LTE Angular7 starter template