#博客#Study Material for Information Technology Branch (SPPU 2019 Pattern)
Resources and Implementation Of Assignment For Honours In Data Science
TE IT DBMS mini-project, it's a web-based application to manage sales of Auto spare parts.
#计算机科学#SPPU BE COMP LP3 Codes - Machine Learning (ML) and Information and Cyber Security (ICS)
#计算机科学#SPPU BE Computer 8th Sem all codes and reference material
This contains my notes for Computer Graphics (CG) - SPPU SE Comp
This Repository Contains My Notes for Discrete Mathematics (DM) - SPPU SE Computer Engineering
SPPU Third Year First Sem - Computer Network Lab Codes + Study Plan
This repository contains distributed systems assignments according to SPPU 2019 Pattern along with their execution steps
SPPU BE COMP Codes of LP1 - HPC, AIR, and DA
This repository contains WADL assignments according to SPPU 2019 Pattern
This repo contains my code for SPPU-IT Assignments
In the third year of the Computer Engineering program at SPPU, students undertake various laboratory assignments to reinforce their knowledge of theoretical concepts and gain hands-on experience. This...
SPPU COMP 2019 Pattern Sem 5 (LP-1 and DBMS )Practical Examination Codes for System Programming and Operating System (SPOS) , Distributed Systems (DS) , Database Management System (DBMS)