Fast and Lightweight Observability Data Collector
翻译 - 阿里云SLS轻量级数据采集器
阿里云 SDK for Javascript,支持在浏览器和 Nodejs 环境使用,支持大部分阿里云服务。
Track website visitors with Serverless Analytics using Kinesis, Lambda, and TypeScript.
Serverless Plugin for Amazon DynamoDB Auto Scaling configuration.
Serverless plugin to process AWS CloudFormation Stack Output
Emulate step functions locally when developing your Serverless project
Automatically wrap your serverless framework functions with IOpipe
SaltStack extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code
A CLI library which enhances the development experience of DigitalOcean 'doctl serverless' when working with Typescript function projects
Implement SLS MPC for linear systems subject to polytopic model uncertainty and additive disturbances.
Open-source, SLA 3D printing, for biomimetic prototyping.
Serverless Plugin for Amazon DynamoDB Auto Scaling using cloudformation.
A sample cron job for doing a database rollover with AWS Lambda and Serverless Framework.