Framework for transforming Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from Left-To-Right (LTR) to Right-To-Left (RTL)
⚡ Full RTL Package - Bootstrap Responsive Components For Iranian's 🇮🇷
#UI框架#RTL edition of bootstrap v4 for rtl languages like Farsi and Arabic
#IOS#[iOS]Customizable marquee view. #Marquee,MarqueeView,跑马灯,滚屏,上翻,左滑,多行,自定义
🌒 Light and dark blog theme for Jekyll, inspired by Dash UI for Atom.
Adds direction (LTR, RTL) variants to your Tailwind project
Components to provide and consume RTL or LTR direction in React
PostCSS plugin to automatically build Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Left-To-Right (LTR) and Right-To-Left (RTL) rules using RTLCSS
Bootstrap RTL Standard 3 and 4
Responsive range slider library written in typescript and using web component technologies. Pure JavaScript without additional dependencies. It has a rich set of settings, including any number of poi...
Materialize Persian Datepicker
A custom layout object based on flow layout. Added supports for horizontal, vertical alignment and RTL direction of collection view items.(available for both UICollectionView and NSCollectionView)
Responsive vertical navigation menu
Text direction extension for Tiptap
#IOS#Simple Banner View that automatically scrolls. Written in Swift.
A right-to-left theme for Jekyll with Jalali support and some other goodies.
A simple Sphinx theme with right-to-left languages support.
PostCSS plugin that polyfill Bi-directional CSS properties and values to suppot rtl and ltr rules in all browsers