A Bukkit/Spigot plugin for renting/selling WorldGuard regions
A Bukkit/Spigot (Minecraft server) plugin that facilitates renting and buying WorldGuard regions
ReNFT's legacy ERC721 and ERC1155 lending and renting protocol
Nástroj pro hlídání nových nabídek nemovitostí na populárních realitních serverech. Nabídky jsou vypisovány do Discord roomky.
Blue Rent is a laravel based project that manages buildings, rooms, additional services, reservations ,seasons ,statuses, users ,roles and permissions, for renting rooms in special seasons using lar...
Backend для загрузчика базы предложений по аренде квартир из циан, яндекс, авито и thelocals. Бот для быстрого оповещения о новых предложениях.
ARMS is a management system for renting apartments. There are the tenants and land-lord, who is the admin. The admin registers apartments on ARMS, a tenant who is interested in renting from this lan...
This repository contains an application for renting an online studio and borrowing recording equipment. Built with native PHP, a MySQL database, and Bootstrap 4, the application allows users to easily...
A website for Renting and Finding a parking spot. Use of Java Servlets, JSP and MySQL
Get the not so easily available medical equipments and assistance easily using Medicist.
#安卓#Car rental system with firebase online database, Android native project, Providing all the credentials needed, User authentication, Real-time database to store users, messages and cars data, Firebase ...
Villa Christina is located in Banjar Pesalakan, Desa Pejeng Kangin, Kab. Gianyar, Bali, about 10 minutes from Ubud.
Prediction Model (Regression) for Renting Prices in Madrid. Source: Idealista API
Housing rent map in Comunidad de Madrid / Mapa del alquiler en la Comunidad de Madrid
We’re proud to announce the release of the Beta version of OVER renting Smart Contracts! This is a very important step in the development of OVER, increasing the utility and usability of the platform...
#区块链#OpenSubs is an NFT marketplace that enables NFT rental through the ERC-4907 standard. By tokenizing the subscriptions of streaming platforms, OpenSubs will allow users to rent their subscriptions from...