How I replaced Skype with Twilio to make phone calls from my computer
☎️ A Matrix Puppet bridge for the public telephone network that supports a number of VoIP providers (Twillo, Vonage, etc.). Sends and receives voice and SMS.
Code samples to Get started quickly with Symbl's Voice SDK and APIs: Node.js, JavaScript, WebSockets, & PSTN.
Make test calls to our PSTN phone numbers and SIP/VOIP addresses
A sample app for enabling you to invite Symbl to your Zoom meetings by doing nothing more than simply copy and pasting the meeting invite in the app.
🤖 Rox AI is a tool that connects Fonoster with Dialogflow ES/CX
#安全#The Cryptofon Project aims to design a universal narrowband voice and text / data narrowband communication standard, that is encrypted and flexible to adapt for existing narrowband communication syste...
This is the guide to show the method to build your own AI-Powered voice agent with LiveKit and Twillio
Validate a Callback Request event from Sinch Verification using Laravel