A python interface for training Reinforcement Learning bots to battle on pokemon showdown
Pokémon Showdown extension that harnesses the power of parabolic calculus to strategically extract your opponents' Elo.
Reinforcement learning for Pokemon.
#计算机科学#A self-play RL system that learns to battle Pokémon on Showdown.
Online Pokémon Showdown Team parser that converts your competitive strategies to machine-readable JSON code.
Reinforcement learning approach to playing competitive Pokémon.
Visualizing time-series usage and global ranking snapshots from Pokémon Showdown.
A Pokémon Battle Client and Reinforcement Learning Library for Interacting with Pokémon Showdown written in Python
Code repository with classical reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning methods for Pokémon battles in Pokémon Showdown.
#计算机科学#AI-powered pokemon bot on showdown
The github repository for the Wavelength server on Pokemon Showdown.
A Pokemon battle engine that can search through Pokemon states
A bot made for Pokemon Showdown written in JavaScript with a lot of misc plugins and more coming soon.
An OpenAI Gym environment for Pokemon battles