CPUMiner for RaspberryPi Zero, Pi 3, Pi 2, B+, A+
AZ-Touch PiZero Weatherstation
A Miniature TV 📺 based on the work of Brandon Withrow. Made Cheaper, and more up to date!
Thermostat on pi zero with 3.5" touch screen and dht_logger as temperature sensor
WindowSense tells you when to open your windows by integrating with your Nest thermostat and getting local weather forecasts. Runs on Raspberry Pi + Sense HAT.
A Simple Raspberry Pi Camera App
A weather and clock script for the Pimoroni Micro Dot
Example Node.js application that connects a Raspberry PI to the Losant IoT developer platform.
Pom Pom remote for answering my building's doorbell using a Raspberry Pi Zero W, Servo, MQTT, ESP32-S2.
Toy hamsters hacked to send and receive voice messages from other hamsters over MQTT. Running all in JavaScript on a Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Example Python application that connects a Raspberry PI to the Losant IoT Platform
Individual raspberry pi projects with Zero W / GPIO