Conductor is an event driven orchestration platform providing durable and highly resilient execution engine for your applications
Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
翻译 - Cadence是一个分布式,可伸缩,持久且高度可用的编排引擎,以可伸缩和有弹性的方式执行异步长时间运行的业务逻辑。
#大语言模型#Scalable and flexible workflow orchestration platform that seamlessly unifies data, ML and analytics stacks.
翻译 - 大规模可靠地开发,执行和监视分布式工作流。
Framework for authoring workflows and activities running on top of the Cadence orchestration engine.
#计算机科学#Platform for a hybrid execution of ML workflows that transparently integrates local and remote runtimes
Houston orchestration API.
Schedule Conductor workflow is a scheduler as a service that runs in the cloud with Netflix conductor embedded in it. It runs as an extension module of conductor.
Java SDK for iwf workflow engine(simple & powerful workflow as code engine based on Cadence/Temporal)
Brook is an orchestration engine, supports microservices and in-app logic (embedded use) orchestration.
Automation is a library for building workflows in a declarative way.
A next-generation open source orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
A lightly distributed flow framework
Commander 是一个服务编排框架库,也提供独立运行的服务端。由IDE和运行时两部分构成。IDE提供所见即所得的组合服务配置,接口配置,及处理流程,是一个基于Eclipse的低代码开发平台。
DI container and execution orchestrator for .NET
Example using the Cadence workflow orchestration engine