The first fully automated BIOS modifier for RTX cards with LHR v2 lock.
翻译 - The first fully automated BIOS modifier for RTX cards with LHR v2 lock.
Build userspace NVMe drivers and storage applications with CUDA support
On-demand transcoding origin server for live inputs and static files in Go using ffmpeg. Also with NVIDIA GPU hardware acceleration.
GeNN is a GPU-enhanced Neuronal Network simulation environment based on code generation for Nvidia CUDA.
Ubuntu 18.04 How to install Nvidia driver + CUDA + CUDNN + build tensorflow for gpu step by step command line
An implementation of parallel exclusive scan in CUDA
Mavenized JCuda, please use version available in Maven Central
A simple profiler to count Nvidia PTX assembly instructions of OpenCL/SYCL/CUDA kernels for roofline model analysis.
Implementation of ConjugateGradients method using C and Nvidia CUDA
Restream live content as HLS using ffmpeg in docker. Also with NVIDIA GPU hardware acceleration.
#计算机科学#A step-by-step guide to setting up Nvidia GPUs with CUDA support running on Docker (and Compose) containers on NixOS host
Dockerized Folding@home client with NVIDIA GPU support to help battle COVID-19
This is an open source program based on NVIDIA cuda, which includes two-dimensional and three-dimensional VTI media forward simulation and reverse time migration imaging, two-dimensional TTI media rev...
NVIDIA-based GPU Accelerated Finite Difference Forward Seismic Simulation of VTI Media]
StiffMa: Fast finite element STIFFness MAtrix generation in MATLAB by using GPU computing.