In this article I try to explain why Haskell keeps being such an important language by presenting some of its most important and distinguishing features and detailing them with working code examples. ...
No-Frills Functional Programming Lib Augmenting Javascript/Node.js
⛑ Run folding@home on your Kubernetes cluster
Customize your Folding for Visual Studio Code
#编辑器#Vim for Ansible playbooks: omni-completion, abbreviations, syntax, folding, K-docs, and colorscheme
Neovim status-bar based on feline, a colour scheme, and foldtext function
Dockerized Folding@home client with NVIDIA GPU support to help battle COVID-19
Some sane Python folding with nvim-treesitter
#编辑器#Vim plugin: Easily create custom headlines, foldtext, toc, etc